Shipping Policy

Standart Delivery

When will I receive my tracking number?

The order processing time takes approximately 2-3 business days. Once your order is ready for shipment, the tracking information will be available and sent to you. Please allow additional time for order processing during holidays and sale seasons.

Please contact us if you have not received a tracking confirmation within 6 business days from the date of your payment completion.

When will I receive my order?

Please allow aprox. 7 – 14 business days for shipping delivery time excluding holidays. Personalized or custom orders require additional time. Once your order has been processed, you will receive your shipping tracking #.

Delivery to Alaska, Hawaii, US Territories or any PO Boxes are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Please allow between 2-3 weeks for delivery. Expedited or Express Delivery options are not available.


The exact shipping charges will be calculated at checkout based on the total value and weight of your order before taxes. Additional charges may apply for oversize items and remote areas.
Expedited and Express Delivery options are not available.

Sales Tax

The prices displayed on our website are tax-free in US dollars, meaning you may be liable for fees and taxes upon receiving your order. Shipping costs are not taxable.

Import duties, customs taxes, and related customs fees may be assessed upon your order’s arrival at its final destination, determined by your local customs agency. Payment of these fees and taxes is your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by customs agencies in your country. For more information on fees, please contact your local customs agency.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.